Outdoor advertising


Exibition designs


Souvenir produtcion


Graphic arts industry





Map of Turkmenistan


Outdoor advertising – means arrangement of advertising in any cities of Turkmenistan, highly professional services in design and manufacturing of advertising images and pictures.

Advertising on Transport – arrangement of advertising on boards of vehicles.

Souvenirs – means putting images on souvenir production of all kinds.

Graphic Arts Industry – manufacturing of full-color polygraphic production, including leaflets, booklets, catalogues, calendars, flyers, congratulatory folders, postcards.

Design – means design development of a high level.


The most effective arrangement of advertising designs;

Operative and qualitative service;

Opportunity of advertisement placing on non-standard formats;

Location of advertising material in any cities of Turkmenistan.


The new office in the Neutrality Arch has been opened.

" Advertising on transport "

Ours site has started to operate at last!

Our offer with regard to a "Traveling Line" has been prepared

List of International Exhibitions, Scientific Conferences & Fairs held by the Ministries and Departments of Turkmenistan as well as by the Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Turkmenistan in 2010

"ALLEGRO" Computer Shop in "Altyn Asyr" Shopping Center has been opened